Final day at Low Hauxley | Rescued from the Mesolithic sea


Dr Clive Waddington explaining the beach-front stratigraphy

Dear microburins, I thought you might like to see the final pictures from Low Hauxley, Northumberland. The dig was a blast—an incredible, amusing and dedicated crew of volunteers, countless visitors and a community interest that reverberated around the Warkworth, Amble and Druridge Bay area, if not well beyond. We cleared down to Mesolithic layers and processed around three hundred 10 litre soil sample bags through wet sieving in the last two days, yielding more flints (and other lithic materials), charcoal and carbonised hazelnut shells. The sieving generated substantial heaps of sand and gravel which the nature reserve, Northumberland Wildlife Trust, will re-use in conservation work. The regular hot drinks and biscuits (thanks to Margaret and the team) were warmly appreciated.


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Top | L: July reminder | C: September 14th back-filled | R: Last hours looking south
Bottom | L: across the site with expedient drainage sondage after heavy rain | C: final clean-ups looking north | R: section stratigraphy checks

What you don’t see is the emptying of 1,000 sandbags or folding the tennis court-sized tarpaulins (not always avoiding rabbit burrows).

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L: Yours truly | C: Toodaloo | R: More recent hunter-gatherers?

The end.RFS13-11 The beginning of post-excavation analysis.

Learn more about the Rescued from the sea project | includes download reports »

Images with the permission of Clive Waddington, Archaeological Research Services Ltd.

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